Managing weight is a challenge! 3 top tips I teach include:
1) Make Healthy Eating Choices
2) Self-Monitor Your Intake
3) Practice Positive Coping Strategies
Creating a routine with these healthy lifestyle behaviors will enhance your weight management success.
Making Healthy Eating Choices: keep consistent with combining macronutrients (protein, carbs and fats), which contain nutrient dense, healthy foods. Go for the whole low-calorie foods, instead of high-fat and processed varieties. Healthier choices will become automatic as frequency and repetition continue, and your body and mind feel good!
Self-Monitor Your Intake: be aware of what and how much you are putting into your body. Set daily caloric goals, track and measure your meals & snacks until it becomes a routine. Assess how positive changes are happening and use that as your fuel to stay on track.
Practice Positive Coping Skills: include self-compassion, mindfulness
and positivity into your day. Stay positive, even if you experience a set-back along the way. Be encouraged knowing the longer you stay with this lifestyle, the easier it will become. Putting well-intentioned effort will become a natural process. Your improved quality of life, including a variety of health benefits will keep you motivated to continue each day.
Turn your health goals into a lifestyle! Set your mind on being disciplined and determined to live feeling your best. If your goal is weight loss, don’t think of it as restrictive. Look at it as a slow progression on learning how to take the best care of your body. Ta
ke it slow so you will keep the weight off. Fast weight loss will cause you to crash and burn. Slow and steady is the way! Once you get to a maintenance phase, remind yourself of your increased health benefits and why you need to keep on this positive path.
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