Your metabolism is how your body coverts food to energy. Of course, you'll want premium fuel to give you the best energy supply. One of the macronutrients that will boost your metabolism, especially if your goal is to lose weight, is protein. Protein is an amino acid. It helps build and maintain lean muscle. Since it uses more energy while digesting, it will boost your metabolism. (This is known as the Thermal Effect of Food"TEF") Protein takes longer to digest in your system, therefore you'll feel fuller for a longer period of time.
Proper proteins to eat include:
Lean chicken, turkey, fish
Nuts and seeds
Greek yogurt(plain)
Lean beef(grass-fed preferred and limited)
*All of these foods(except the dairy) help with regulating your thyroid which affects metabolism.
Water is very important when it comes to boosting your metabolism and keeping your mind and body running properly. Your body has to work to warm the water up while digesting.
Spicy foods are known to increase metabolic rate such as cayenne or chili peppers.
Caffeine is a metabolism booster known to burn fat to energy(although varies widely). Oolong tea and green tea are best choices.
Coconut Oil(MCT oil) contains Medium Chain Triglycerides. This is the only oil with the medium chain which goes directly to your liver to turn into energy fast. Therefore, it's less likely to be stored as fat, but used for fuel. All other oils have long chains which take longer to go through your system. I use 1 tbsp in my coffee each morning to provide energy for mind and body. It will give you focus for your brain and energy for your body.
#boostmetabolism #metabolicrate #burnfat #foodstoboostmetabolism #thermaleffectoffood