Implement these 10 Tips for Hormone Balance into your daily routine:
1) Fuel up on Healthy Fats with Omega 3 Oils: Omega-3s are nutrients you get from food (or supplements) that help build and maintain a healthy body. They assist with the structure of all of your cells, and are also a good energy source. These fatty acids help keep your brain, heart, lungs ,blood vessels and immune system working properly.
Two crucial ones -- EPA and DHA -- are primarily found in certain fish.: Wild trout and wild salmon are the safest to eat with low mercury levels. Tuna, orange roughy, mackerel, wild swordfish and shark have higher levels of mercury & other toxins.
ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) is another omega 3 fatty acid found in plant sources such as:
Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil
Chia seeds
Hemp seeds
These fatty acids can lower your triglycerides(blood fat), decreasing your risk for heart disease and stroke. EPA & DHA may ease stiffness and joint pain(Rheumatoid arthritis). Omega-3s also boost the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs (a key component in asthma). Mental health can be improved with intaking Omega 3s, assisting in memory, learning, ADHD, depression, anxiety, Alzheimer's and dementia.
2)Fill up on Fiber: Fiber from vegetables, fruit (low sugar ones like berries) and whole grains will help to flush out excess estrogen, provides phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals for hormone balance, and helps balance blood sugar levels.
3) Pile on the Protein: Eating sufficient protein (@20g) with every meal will stabilize your blood sugar(insulin and cortisol), help maintain muscle mass, and increase glucagon to balance insulin levels. Eat your protein and become a better "fat burning machine"!
4)Seek Sufficient Sleep & Sunlight: Sleep is crucial for production of important hormones like HGH (Growth hormone, that helps maintain tissues and organs throughout life) assisting you in burning fat and building muscle. Vitamin D is often deficient, especially in the winter months since sunlight is its best source. The sun will not only produce vitamin D, but also produces melatonin so you can fall asleep better at night.
5)Cut too Much Caffeine: A lot of caffeine can poorly affect your endocrine system, especially is there are other hormone stressors involved like pregnancy, toxins, fat imbalances and stress. Drink coffee only in morning if possible.
6)Put Away Processed Foods: These foods are high in chemicals, sugar, salt and bad fats that affect your insulin and cortisol levels and increase fat storage.
7)Ban too Much Booze: Limit your alcohol consumption since it is taxing on the liver and depletes important vitamins (B) needed to metabolize fats and estrogen.
8)Control Cravings by Not Skipping Meals: Eating small, frequent meals every 2-3 hours is best. Skipping meals will raise cortisol and ghrelin (hunger cues) causing uncontrollable cravings for sweets and carbs, which will raise your insulin.
9)Plate Proper Portion Sizes: Eating too much can cause leptin (lets you know when your full) resistance and problems with insulin.
10) Workout with and Without Weights Weekly: Exercise daily including cardio, flexibility and strength training in your weekly workout program. Your body needs a variety of different types of exercise. The combination of exercises will improve your heart health, mood, memory, bone density, oxygen consumption, sleep, coordination, balance, agility, blood sugar and MUCH MORE so GET MOVING!
#hormones #hormonebalance #tipstobalancehormones #omega3oils #fiber #protein #sleep #vitaminD #cutcaffeine #limitalcohol #avoidprocessedfoods #ALA #DHA #EPA #glucagon #insulin #HGH #melatonin #endocrinesystem #cortisol #ghrelin #leptin #leptinresistance #excersise #weighttrain #cardio #flexibility