Everyone is different with their body types, genetics, age and habits affecting how we lose weight. It can be a frustrating and confusing process, especially if we think we’re following a good plan. Despite best efforts, our weight can fluctuate daily, due to many factors. Below are some questions to consider:
1)Is your Water and Fiber Intake Correct?
Drinking water improves many areas of our health. Weight loss can occur from drinking water due to it suppressing our appetites, so we’re less likely to overeat. Proper hydration keeps our kidneys and liver functioning well. If dehydrated, kidneys turn to liver for extra support. If the liver has to work harder, more fat is stored rather than burned off.
The recommended daily dose for fiber is 25 grams. It’s important to add fiber gradually and also increase water intake. About one-half your body weight in ounces should be consumed every day, especially if you’re exercising. If you increase your fiber intake but don’t drink enough water, digestion issues and constipation can arise, causing you not to lose weight.
2)Are you Eating Enough Protein?
High protein diets help with weight loss, satiety, and muscle building. Protein enhances the feeling of fullness and prevents you from losing muscle as you lose fat. Protein provides the amino acids(building blocks) necessary for muscle growth. The more muscle we have on our bodies, the more fat we will burn. Without proper protein amounts, building up our muscle for stored energy, our muscles can become stripped.
Also, your body uses more energy to metabolize protein, than carbs or fat, allowing more calorie burn. Most daily protein recommendations are for 40-60 grams.
3)Do You Sit Too Often?
Even if you are exercising regularly, being sedentary for too long causes your body to stop making a fat-inhibiting enzyme called lipase. Getting up and walking for just a few minutes during each hour burns additional calories a day. Bottom line: get up and move more throughout the day! Take the stairs, pace around your house while on the phone, park farther from entrances, and walk with your pet, family or friends.
4)Have You Determined How Many Calories You Should Eat Each Day?
Using an online calculator like this one: https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html will determine an approximate idea of how many calories you’ll need to lose weight depending on your height, weight, and activity level.
Once your caloric needs are set, pay attention to your portion sizes, using your hands for guidance(See previous blog on this subject).
5)How are Your Workouts?
Your daily workouts could make your number on the scale go up! Muscle weighs more than fat, so gaining muscle may show a higher weight, and that’s not a bad thing! Your body composition will become leaner and stronger.
Exercise can also make you retain water due to the plasma in bloodstream storing extra. Of course, drinking enough water will minimize water retention.
Your workouts should be effective with different varieties, intensities and types(cardio, strength training, flexibility training) for success. With any fitness regimen, your body has to adjust to how many calories you’re consuming verses how many you’re burning. If you’re goal is to lose weight, it’s especially difficult getting used to the decrease in calories consumed and the increase in calories burned.
Stay active, well-hydrated and off the scale!
6)Are you Dealing with Stress Effectively?
Do you tend to overeat when you’re feeling stressed? The stress hormone cortisol triggers the fight-or-flight response which increases appetites. It also increases brain chemicals which increases cravings for carbohydrates. Too much cortisol slows metabolism, and excessive stress causes fat to be stored in your abdominal area.
Keep up with your daily exercise to reduce stress, at balanced nutritious meals to repair the damage stress does to your body, and maintain social support.
7)How are You Gauging Your Progress?
Bodyweight can fluctuate up to five pounds any day, so stay away from the scale. Instead of using your scale, focus on how your clothes fit, how you feel(energy, sleep, stress) and how much you can do: track how much weight you can lift and how much endurance you’re building with your workouts.
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