Metabolism is the process that converts what you put in your mouth into the energy that powers every thing you do. Your Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR) is the number of calories your body needs to melt just to stay alive. It is partly genetic, which explains how some people can eat junk and stay thin, while others seem to gain weight so easily.
Metabolism is also influenced by plenty of other factors, such as age and lifestyle habits, like sleeping and snacking patterns. Although you can’t control your age, making some lifestyle changes can help boost your ability to lose weight and also improve your energy level.
Problem #1: Aging
Without regular exercise, you lose about 5 to 10 percent of your muscle mass each decade after age 30, or up to half a pound each year.
Muscle burns 5x more calories than fat. So, the more muscle you have on your body, the more fat you will burn. As you age, if you don’t have muscle on your body, any little indulgence or extra snack will more likely affect your waistline.
The good news is that you can stop the decline of your metabolism by up to 80 percent with regular exercise including strength training and cardio!
Problem #2: Insulin Resistance
This condition is when the body produces insulin but is unable to use it effectively. If nothing is done to improve this, it causes glucose to build up in your blood and can lead to pre-diabetes and diabetes. The result: your metabolism slows to a crawl. It often becomes a vicious cycle: as someone gains weight, they become more insulin resistant, possibly because fat cells produce hormones that might cause the condition. Then the insulin resistance slows down their metabolism, so they put on more fat.
Other than being overweight, you may notice other symptoms such as excess padding around your belly, irregular periods and infertility for women.
If you suspect you may be insulin resistant, your doctor should screen you for diabetes every 3 years if you’re over age 45-measuring your blood glucose levels.
Losing some weight can get your glucose levels back in check.
Problem #3: Thyroid Trouble
Sometimes your thyroid doesn’t make enough hormone causing a condition called hypothyroidism. Your thyroid could also make too much of the hormone: hyperthyroidism.
These conditions will cause either a too-slow or a too-fast metabolism.
If you’re hypothyroid, you’ll feel fatigued and may easily gain weight, even if you’re eating exactly the same foods in the same amounts that you have been for years. Your skin may seem drier and your muscles sorer.
If you’re hyperthyroid, you may lose weight. You could also be jittery, sweat easily, have insomnia and possibly even trembling.
Both conditions can be diagnosed with blood tests. Medications are provided for both and other treatments to control a healthy metabolism.
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